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Showing posts from April, 2009
It's another friday. This time, i'm in another place with different people. gmail is blocked. sucks. Hao-e called me last night. NB: he never calls me during his work time, unless it's life or death. this time, he was talking about unhappiness at work. we've been in bermuda since april 2007 - 25+ months. the frequency of his complaints has increased exponentially this year. it could be due to new colleagues, new bosses and/or the new structure. whatever it is, he's feeling frustrated and i am too. 2 years on, i still have no proper job and i'm about to fail a bloody USD400 exam. things are not looking good. looking at where the company is heading, i am also apprehensive at how much more development he can have in this environment. not to mention the fact that i'm still temping after 1.5 years. my only consolation to him is his work permit will be up for renewal in Oct 2010, at the rate immigration is going, i have some doubts if his would be re

Down in the dumps

i'm pretty down. why? because the study guide from actex left out half the material necessary for the exam. and the new textbook from asm won't be here for a week. which leaves me practically with no time to finish revising for the exam. which means i'll either fail or do really badly, which totally sucks. which makes me want to give up studying for it altogether, since i can only complete about half the questions at present. it's a pretty gone case. a lost cause. and i don't like it one bit.

Sunday's excursion/ordeal

don't be fooled by the photos, whale-chasing is not for the faint-hearted nor the weak stomachs. first there's the welcoming and warm breeze that lulls you into thinking that the boat ride will be all bliss. after charging 45 mins south of bermuda, the party spots the first sign of a whale (via binoculars no less) and we charge ahead to hunt it down. then it's the first comfirmed sighting of the tail - voila! and a 6-10 min wait ensues as the waves crashed and rocked the boat about while the whale took it's time diving. (and i mean violent rocking motions ok - twice, things flew out from the deck into the water.) dizzy. second sighting - ooh, there's a shy whale teasing you with limited portions of her dark body as it dives again and we wait around for another 10 mins. feel faint. the process is repeated as the avid photographers tried to capture a good shot of the elusive whale(s) while the amateurs like me felt like throwing up. by the upteemth dive/wait, b

Part 3

Part 2

Some photos from today's whale watching "cruise" (Part 1)


not sure whether i'd mention here that we had gotten ourselves a set of ultra cheapo golf clubs some weeks back (i believe was the first week after our return to bermuda). it was advertised on e-moo at $100 one day, hao-e called the guy and arranged to have a look at the clubs that evening. so we rushed there after work, driving through maniac rush-hour traffic (eh... cannot compare with CTE rush-hour lah, but imagine the left-most lane of CTE at aroun 8.30am - it's close). hao-e eventually bargained it down to $75 for the set - it's apparently 4 years old, a full set, unbranded. hey, we took that guy's word for it, because i didn't know how to tell if the age of the clubs or what constituted a full set of clubs lor! LOL. thank God we met an honest guy (non-asian heritage of course) who really wanted to get rid of his clubs. so anyhoo, we had this set of golf clubs (in a red bag no less!) sitting in the closet for the past few weeks... finally used it on satur

Went to the Beach on Sunday

The weather was fantastic last Sunday, so we joined some friends on the beach. Felt like i was getting sunburnt despite lathering on layers and layers of sunblock, yet the water was still too cold for a swim. and just when i thought that warmer weather has arrived, temperatures dipped again on monday and we're back to gloomy and rather cold temperatures. how do you predict the unpredictable? ah... statisticians seem to think they can predict things up to a certain degree of accuracy (perhaps 3 decimal places). astrologers seem to think so too. just like the soothsayers, witches, wizards, fortune-tellers, etc.