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Showing posts from September, 2009
I have bad luck with computer programmes. they always break or malfunction. someone told me it is not the computer's or the programmes' fault. the fault lies with the user - me. =(
Realised how being busy can be a huge distraction... Hao-e was in London most of last week, left on the previous Saturday and returned last Thursday evening. Was quite surprised at how the days flew by because of the workload at the office. i had a weeklong project that began on Tuesday afternoon at 4pm. deadline for that is tomorrow 4pm. another long and tedious project that begun almost 4 weeks ago and was left hanging in the air for 2 out of that 4 weeks. a testing project to ascertain the changes due to a version upgrade. in short, i was kept v v busy at work, i think my brains got quite fried last week. They are hiring another analyst though - interviews in progress as i type. wonder if they still need me around?!
i blame it on tea.... and the Flavia beverage maker... the office for having the bev maker in the pantry... Flavia for making good white tea and green tea flavourings... i don't remember my dreams. i never wake up in the worst thunderstorms. check both for last night and the night before. argh. the night before, i woke up at 3am to close the windows. in my household - i.e. between hao-e and i - the carpet would be soaked if i didn't wake up to slam shut the window. fell back to dreamland and dreamt of a night out with the gals - corb, wp and jo are the 3 faces i remember - at a bar of some sort. we were chatting and drinking and wp and i were discussing tanya's newest album which i've been raving about during my waking hours.... good and pleasant dream. last night, i fell asleep at 11pm thinking i could clock a good 8 hours of sleep. of course not! the last few hours were bad. i dreamt that hao-e and i were viewing an apartment which looked so fantastic from the...
I am building up a shopping list for our upcoming trip to CA and FL. Concurrently, i'm shortlisting restaurants in the bay area to satisfy our deprived taste buds. any suggestions would be most welcomed...

Looking for a new Apartment

Our search for a new apartment hasn't been fruitful. Having lived in this one for the past 2 years, we thought it prudent to "move on" because one, we've outgrown the apartment and two, to avoid the problems that are bound to come up after this length of time e.g. appliances breaking, creepy-crawlies like ants, toilet bowl breaking, etc... the fridge made such a ruckus on monday morning, i thought it was going to fall apart! all i could think of was how to salvage the fresh milk, eggs, and all the frozen food! thankfully it stopped the nonsense after 10 mins and (hopefully) went back to normal minus the noise... totally unexpected from a fridge of 2 years don't you think? landlord wise, we have a very responsible person who ensures the grass gets cut, the hedge gets trimmed, the water tank is full, the washer and dryer albeit old, still manage... and the best part of it is of course the fact that he doesn't stay on the property, so the freedom (not that we do ...

Long Weekend Ahead

Friday afternoon lunch time... 3.5 hours to go till 5pm... 4.5 hours to dinner at Harbourfront. we're celeberating hao-e's 30th birthday and our 4 year ROM anniversary on Monday. it's also Steph's birthday on Monday, and lucky her, she's enjoying a nice long 4 day stress-free weekend. woohoo! surprised her with some sunflowers and cake at her office yesterday... hee hee... don't expect to see any flowers coming my way today. hao-e is quite bad at these things... i guess i could splurge on something for myself... haha.