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Showing posts from January, 2010

Theory of Relativity

As much as I hate being a rambling fool, i ramble. on and on. until i get irritated with my voice and stop myself. I will stop myself after 2 paras. I remember saying to my groggy self one morning, after 3 months of getting the hair straightener and spending 15 mins in front of the mirror each morning, meticulously straightening my hair, in sections mind you, that i will most definitely take the plunge and invest in rebonding/ceramic straightening and all sorts of other nonsense that will negate the 15 mins spent each morning with hot irons.   15 more mins to sleep in. wow, that sounds like a plan... until you find out that it costs $600... haha! that changes things now.  would i spend $600 on something that will only last for a maximum of 3 months, given that my hair will grow out curly? perhaps not.  i don't want to have half straight half curly hair.  so that plan has been thrown out of the window. I also recall say...
So, I had a rough weekend.  the weather didn't do much to uplift my spirits.  i didn't get a hangover on saturday and i could still get to ballet class at lunch time, survived it and then rush to masters after class to look for snuggies.  my liver is responding well to training - it has adapted well to heavy drinking on friday nights. i got my results for exam 4.  i passed, with better than expected results.  v good v good. i've updated my resume and sent it off to HR and the agency.  i've consoled myself that if this thing doesn't pan out like i had imagined, i can always go somewhere else with my qualifications.  i'm sure there's someone out there who would risk a limb to hire me.  i'm pretty worth it, i imagine. 2.5 more working days till the flight home.  can't wait to see everyone.


2010 was always going to be significant.  When i made the decision to sign most of my twenties away in 2000, 2010 became the finishing mark of servitude. Even though i'd extended the end-mark by almost 3 years now, i was pretty determined to make sure that 'this is it', I WILL NOT BE IN SERVITUDE IN 2011.  Through fervent prayers, i seem to have been blessed with what i had wished for 3 years... anyway, it's within grasp and it no longer seems such a faraway goal. I have been jumpy all week cos results are out tomorrow afternoon.  i'm scared.  gotta pray hard for good results.

8.5 working days

Happy New Year!!! It's a start of a new year as well as a brand new decade!  i've decided not to make any new year resolutions this time, cos i never keep them anyway.  but i do have some general idea of what i want to do this year: pass exams 5 & 6 work hard and play hard attend ballet class at least 2 times a week head to shanghai in May possible trip to Alaska in Aug learn more Korean beyond those commonly used phrases What do you plan to do this year?

Some recent photos