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Showing posts from March, 2011

Hao-e's unhappy

Hao-e a.k.a. the hubby has been very mang zang these days due to:- 1) increased workload - colleague's on vacation; 2) studying for exams; 3) me not picking up my phone. I have to admit that I often use my iphone as a camera, to get on skype, facebook or fring, play sudoku/games or as an ipod or alarm clock.   It very rarely is used as a phone phone . i can count with the fingers on one hand the people that do call me.  because i use it as an ipod, the overall volume and hence the volume of the ringer is usually set low for fear of bursting my ear drums (and that apple, is a stupid feature of the iphone 3GS btw!).  So even when i do remember to switch on the ringer/ringtones at the end of the workday, it is often too soft for me to hear it ring! So, hao-e got upset when he tried to call me last evening, 7 times.  i missed them all until he emailed me to pick up the phone. convoluted right?  email me so that i can search for the darn phone?!!  yeah. ...

It is finally Friday

What a busy week!  Actually, it's been like this for the past 3 weeks since the trip back to sgp.  Just feels like work is getting crazier and crazier, responsibilities are piling up and I can't seem to get enough time in a day to get through everything.   As it is, my work week schedule looks like this: struggle to get up at 7am everyday struggle to get to work by 8:30am everyday so that there's a parking spot for my darling Charlie struggle through work till 5:30pm look forward to nice home-cooked meal watch an hour or two of taiwanese variety e.g. kangxi laile  hit the books for 2 hours before crashing  Oh, a sewage pipe burst in the carpark on Tuesday, causing a stinkastrophe.  poor Charlie had to endure all that stench.  


The footage from Japan is scary.  First, a massive earthquake, then a tsunami minutes later, and now a potential nuclear crisis.  That is a lot of bad things all at once.  They're a resilient and highly efficient bunch. I have no doubt Japan and its allies will get it back up and running in seconds, the hardware I mean.  As for the people and the extent of emotional distress, the damage is hard to assess in terms of dollars and cents.   Some of you might know that I'm currently working for a Japanese company.  I can feel the pain albeit second-hand, from the friends and colleagues I have in Japan.  I don't know what I can say or do to make them feel better.  It is a sad sad thing to happen to anyone.   Our prayers are with you.


I visited one of my colleagues, PW last evening at the local hospital.  I'd rushed there with 2 of my colleagues (also known as cluster mates as we sit in a cluster of 4 in the office) as PW was about to be airlifted to Boston that night for treatment.  It was the first time I saw him since the beginning of February when he left for Cambodia and S Korea.  Shockingly, he is down with some sort of immuno-disease and doctors here weren't able to confirm what he is actually suffering from.  He has lost a lot of weight and looked so frail and thin, it was heartbreaking.  When we walked out of the ward, one of my colleagues CC said he hopes we're not saying our last goodbyes.  I told him off immediately but couldn't shake off the same thought as I left the hospital.  It all became so serious so suddenly.  I know that God has His plans but I still hope that whatever he has is curable. PW is now in MassGen and (hopefully!) in more competent hand...