Went to my GP's office this morning for a briefing. No big surprises, i've got degenerative disc disease of the lower lumbar spine. basically, it means i have central disc protrusions in the L4-L5 and L5-S1 of my vertebrae. Only symptomatic treatment is prescribed, so painkillers, heat therapy, physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory medication when there's pain. If the pain continues and cannot be controlled, last resort is surgery to remove the disc or an epidural injection to protect the nerves from being irritated by the protrusions. But those are a long way away. I'm fine for now. Researching on the web, apparently acupuncture can help. Weight loss, reduction of sitting time, Pilates exercises and the inversion table are also possible remedies. I'm starting to do Pilates twice a week from next Tuesday, will be focusing on my weight loss regime and I will walk every lunch hour when it isn't raining. Have to do...
Just a place for me to write...