My peeps! Howdy! I'd just finished the final of 2 exams yesterday. It didn't go as well as I had anticipated, but I'm glad it's over! It's been raining since Saturday, finally see a peek of sunshine today! Growing up in the tropics means we naturally hide and seek shade from the sun but I can say that I finally understand what the fuss is about now. Not to mention it's only been a couple of wet, gloomy and mouldy days! I was up till12:30am last night watching the Big Bang Theory Season 2. Heart the nerds of this world. Hey, i'm married to one! I like to think that I am personally not one of them, but really, there's a little nerd residing in me. I can feel it sometimes crawl out of the depths trying to take a hold of me while I try desperately to put on a dazed, frivolous armour to face the world. My most recent materialistic and frivolous want is one of those classic Chanel bags, either red or cream. I am dreaming of purchasing it when I r...