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Showing posts from April, 2013
It's Friday again and all I can say is YEAH!!! Still a bit woozy today, took the nausea medicine after lunch and now feel very lethargic.  Someone really smart failed to notice that it said "drowsy" on the medicine pack.  Sigh.  Drinking coffee now to try and counter the drowsiness.  I think it's just futile.  Everything I do is futile. Do you think having one of these around will cheer me up?


Don't know why I have been feeling rather down lately. Things haven't been going as planned. Nothing life threatening or dire but just small blips and unhappiness. I wish I could go on holiday for a few months.

Lunch with the gals

Happy Easter!

Busy Easter weekend! Got my screening report from the doctors on Thursday, I have to cut down on sugars, oily food and carbs.... uhoh, nothing about the lumps so i'm grateful. Marc Jacobs bag arrived in the evening, woohoo!   Good Friday was spent in Church and shopping at Sim Lim Square for Hao-e's new PC. Pilates on Saturday morning after a week's break, super out of shape.  think i should probably start doing some exercises at home and maybe go for swim downstairs when i get a chance. Chewy had a good scrubbing session at noon then off to watch Le Noir at Sands Theatre on Saturday afternoon, fun! Cousin-in-law's wedding dinner at Conrad on Saturday evening, no shark's fin which was a bummer. Easter mass on Sunday morning followed by Qingming thingamie at Mt Vernon. Sunday brunch at York Hotel's Penang Hawker Buffet, yum! Watched 1.5 movies too - GI Joe (meh) and SVFV (vulgar).  SVFV was the movie that  was banned and made the h...