Good Morning Good Morning! Woke up today thinking "is it Friday yet?" then flopping back into bed reminding myself "it's thursday, one more day to the weekend" Work has been hectic, as it heats up towards accreditation, there are brochures to be printed and displayed, folders to be made for "show and tell", minutes to be hurriedly written, policies to be signed with immediate effect... in short, it's last minute. work hasn't been very fun lately cos everyone's stressed and worried that some major screw up will happen, people are unhappy with each other, blah blah... you know the works. Last evening we were at L'oriental for dinner with Oliver who was here for the week. Oliver is Matt's co-worker (apparently, they don't quite like to use the term colleague here) based in London. Don't know whether i've told you guys before, Orbis House in London is right smack in central London, like 2 steps away from Oxford Street/Circu...