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Showing posts from June, 2010
Loopy me just turned 29.  In the first 3 days of my 30th year, 31st by Chinese standards, i've managed to watch 4 world cup matches, wash 2 loads of laundry, iron 4 shirts and play some shitty volleyball.  every birthday seems to be a death knell reminding me how "far along" i am on this road.  From the average life expectancy, i still have a good 40 years to go.  wow. that's ten more world cups to watch and plenty more laundry and ironing to do!  what will i do with myself? what will you do with yourself?

Dream about the Watering Hole

In true GP-esque writing, every essay should have an introduction, body and conclusion.  each paragraph within the body of the essay should state a point, develop on it and mini-conclude on the point.  Introduction:  What appears in our dreams often relate directly to what happened before snooze time.  Body: Toilet was "acting up" in the morning + drank a huge glass of water just before bedtime = dream of toilet being stuck and shit coming out from the bowl.  very vivid, very yucky. Conclusion: I should probably lay off on drinking fluids before bedtime and hao-e has to avoid shitting too much... Not much of an essay, but just wanted to share the gross nightmare I had last night.  globules of shiny, dark-chocolate-coloured shit rushing out of the toilet bowl onto the floor.  floor full of said shit bobbing in light-brown toilet water. NOT A PRETTY SIGHT.  scared the shit out of me, woke up and had to use the toilet.  afraid reality might...

Back to Work

I was off work for the past 1.5 days, nursing a cold.  Sneezing and coughing is not my favourite hobby, for sure. BUT, everything's unpacked and put in their places.  this time, i'm hoping not to mess things up so quickly...