In true GP-esque writing, every essay should have an introduction, body and conclusion. each paragraph within the body of the essay should state a point, develop on it and mini-conclude on the point.
Conclusion: I should probably lay off on drinking fluids before bedtime and hao-e has to avoid shitting too much...
Introduction: What appears in our dreams often relate directly to what happened before snooze time.
Body: Toilet was "acting up" in the morning + drank a huge glass of water just before bedtime = dream of toilet being stuck and shit coming out from the bowl. very vivid, very yucky.
Not much of an essay, but just wanted to share the gross nightmare I had last night. globules of shiny, dark-chocolate-coloured shit rushing out of the toilet bowl onto the floor. floor full of said shit bobbing in light-brown toilet water. NOT A PRETTY SIGHT.
scared the shit out of me, woke up and had to use the toilet. afraid reality might be like nightmare and shit comes gushing out of toilet bowl, even though i didn't shit. so whose shit would come gushing out at 3am in the morning? who would shit at 3am?! wow, nearly couldn't get back to sleep.
i'm very disturbed. one of many crazy modern anxieties? people used to be worried about dropping into the shit hole, a-la slumdog, now it's shit coming out of the toilet bowl. eekie...