If i could lay in bed with a good book, I would gladly vegetate there for all eternity, rising only to quell hunger pangs and for loo trips. But no, man ain't built to live on air and sunshine, unlike the plants. we need cash to buy things that keep us alive e.g. KFC, Coca-Cola, Nike, Nintendo, a Tiffany or two and of course the book which we had wanted to be buried with in the first place. Given that we need cash to pay for expenses, and an ever-increasing source of cash at that, cos expenses only increase with inflation, age and expectations. we devote most of our waking time to this thing called work for 40-44 hours a week. more if you are a workaholic like hao-e. That leaves little time for anything else. In my line of work, I don't get paid if I don't turn up and that sucks, cos I am made to keep working and i feel compelled to work work work for the $$$. Besides the huge time-consumer called "employment", because of reasons I shall not go into now, I need to...