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We're in London!

We arrived at Gatwick early yesterday morning, drowsy and sleepy. The flight from Bermuda was delayed for 1.5hours on Saturday evening as BA had to turn the flight back to London to unload a sick baby. Aww.... So our flight left the tarmac at 9.25pm instead of the usual 8.05pm. Dinner was really late at around 10.30pm and i was stayed awake to watch Fool's Gold - the Matthew McConaughy and Kate Hudson recent B flick. It was a 2-hour B flick but i have to admit those 2 have some heated screen chemistry. So i didn't get to snooze much before we were awaken again at 2am for breakfast and touched down at Gatwick. If only the flight left later at midnight or something, i may have slept more.

Anyway, our new Samsonite was brutally smashed by the BA's ground handlers... kidding, it is still in one piece but it is suffering from some bruises and scratches. They have refused to give us any compensation for the bruising suffered, which grated my already frayed and short nerves so I WAS NOT IMPRESSED there!

Then we jumped onto the Gatwick Express to Victoria cos Thameslink to King's Cross wasn 't available due to refurbishment works. (it was a sunday afterall) So we had to take a long cab ride to Camden Town to the hotel. Yes, we are staying in Camden Town this time. Ingenious ain't it? Ha.... Hope i don't get mobbed by punks. As usual, no room available at 11am in the morning. Left our bags in the hotel and rushed down to Leicester Square for some Korean lunch (we are trying to finish our list of must-eats this time). Came back to the hotel at 1.30pm to check-in and napped for 2 hours before we left the hotel to wander around Camden Lock and the markets. it was .... enjoyable, though not quite my kind of market - i prefer portobello anytime.

A new find for us this time - we went to West Brompton's Taiwan Village Restaurant for dinner last night and i must say, it was truly authentic taiwanese fare! we had oyster omelette, 三杯鸡, 盐酥鸡, 麻婆豆腐, 卤肉饭. Wah, i really nearly cried. super 感动.. Total bill was around GBP35, and i cannot stop gushing about it. Anyone who's in London and craves for some Taiwanese food, do head here. it's just 5 mins from West Brompton tube station. We were so stuffed from dinner i think i put on 5 pounds from that meal alone! So 2 cuisines down - what's left to eat:
  • japanese
  • thai
  • dimsum
  • belgian mussels and frites


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