Amazingly, the weather has turned warm, as per what's expected for spring. no more shivering under the covers, no more piling on the cashmere sweaters for work. just more water-proofing needed to weather the spring showers! thank God for the car.
Incidentally, I finally took a good look at the rosary steph (Ong not looi) bought me on her europe trip. it is exquisite. i still don't really want to use it properly, cos it's too pretty. there're still the wooden mini-rosary from jasmine, green wrist rosary from my sponsor lynnette and my trusty old pink rosary bought from novena church when i was still in school, oh! and not to forget the rosary rings... i have so many rosaries, i'm literally spoilt for choice.
Need to put a reminder in the calendar to abstain from meat on fridays. keep forgetting. bad bad me.
Incidentally, I finally took a good look at the rosary steph (Ong not looi) bought me on her europe trip. it is exquisite. i still don't really want to use it properly, cos it's too pretty. there're still the wooden mini-rosary from jasmine, green wrist rosary from my sponsor lynnette and my trusty old pink rosary bought from novena church when i was still in school, oh! and not to forget the rosary rings... i have so many rosaries, i'm literally spoilt for choice.
Need to put a reminder in the calendar to abstain from meat on fridays. keep forgetting. bad bad me.