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Back Safe and Sound

This is my first post since we left Bermuda for Singapore more than 3 weeks ago. We are battling serious jet lag this time. it might be the age-factor (yikes!) or because we didn't rest properly on the flights (yes plural!) back cos we were busy trying to exhaust all the new movies on krisworld, or maybe a combination of both lah. but both of us have been trying very hard to keep awake at 3pm. yes, the sleep monster strikes at that hour! thank God we are going to remove time saving tonight, so we have 1 less hour to correct this weekend.

talking about movies, twilight was amazingly easy on the eye! although i hesitate to call ourselves twilight converts given that i was highly skeptical at first. but the eye candy in the form of Rob Pattersin/Edward Cullen is really irresistible (did you know Rob Pattersin was Cedric in Harry Potter??) .... argh. i wanna get bitten by this vamp too lor! BITE ME! Hao-e even bought New Moon (the sequal) to read this weekend and i spent almost an hour reading twilight at JFK.

Oh! and i must tell you guys about the darn irritating old american lady seated 2 seats from me on SQ flight. she was such an arse! initially, my hand-set/remote control for krisworld seemed to be broken. as usual the flight attendant tried rebooted the system but it still didn't start. so the next best option was to change seats (or endure boredom for 12 hours till frankfurt!). but she wouldn't allow me to sit in the empty seat between my alloted seat and her seat, claiming she wanted to sleep! wah liao! i glared at her lor, cos obviously she didn't pay for that seat and the amount of things she left on the seat to claim/chope it as her own... worse than our packet of tissue paper on the hawker centre table. and i thought only singaporeans were like that... totally an arse. AND when we re-boarded in frankfurt, she and her husband disregarded the boarding sequence (we were in row 33, which is 2nd/3rd row of economy i.e. last of the economy class to board) and barged in with those in rows 50-60! i tell you, my eyes nearly popped out glaring at them! americans! argh!

i have to say that we were really lucky this time with customs. although we cleared immigration last, we were let off pretty easy and was allowed to walk through customs without the usual search through our bags. phew. i might have a lot of questions to answer otherwise. heh. we went with 1 half-full suitcase and returned with 3.5 suitcases, that's how much shopping we did in 3 weeks. not too bad right?!

so after almost a day and half of flying, we arrived home on thursday evening at 10pm. took 15 mins to restart torty the old car. yes! she actually managed to start after 3 weeks! very proud of my 10+ year old daihatsu charade. we knew there would be some surprises in the house as there was a tropical storm when we were away causing a blackout on the whole island. our modem's power supply seemed to have died and so have our linksys wireless router. but both have been replaced as of this morning! super efficient hao-e. OH! and i have to tell you guys this, i was waiting for hao-e beside the car this morning, when a bird decided to use my head for target practice. yes, i'd been bombed by a bird. so lucky! =p


Jade said…
omg! So did u strike any lottery? :P
Joop said…
of course not! don't buy how to strike?

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