If you have, I'd like to know what you think. Was it staged? Why the drama? He is but one of the many male cads and philanderers of this world!? Why do those models and starlets succumb to his advances? He's nowhere near the likes of good-looking, rich, famous nor powerful. someone with a good explanation for this, let me know. Why did wife need to turn up at press conference? To show her support for the man who betrayed her? To show how much she's been hurt and therefore had to faint in public? I sense no remorse from him. NOT A TAD. No sincerity, just some game he's playing with the media to make the best of all his bastard moves, make the headlines and get some publicity. Perhaps he thought that he should style himself after Woods the Tiger? Perhaps he is promoting a new film with an adultery theme infused? I really dislike this man. I feel for his kids, cos they're the ones who have to bear the brunt of being his children. (God knows h...
Just a place for me to write...