Sometimes i wonder, what is God's grand plan? As a poor human who isn't able to picture things the next moment, much less in a few months/years time, why have you given me so many things to think and worry about? Why can't i be carefree, and not be laden with all these things swirling in my head. There's only so much a person can take at a time. Sometimes, i feel very blessed to have a roof over my head, a job to provide me with some cash, people who love and care for me. And sometimes, you throw darts and arrows around me to make me panic and anxious, and i would be at a loss at what to do!
Exactly what's your grand plan??!?! I really wish you would share it with me so that i won't feel so lost and alone. You know my greatest fear in all my living years is loneliness.
i want to be a good and i know how to be good. but the execution of the plan will be very ardous. and i'm not looking forward to it. in fact i dread it. cos i think i will be very sad. i'll be alive, but i won't be happy.
i'm going nowhere, marching on the same spot, trying to free myself of the reins, with no one around to talk to, let alone unbind me from this mess. i've to settle this on my own.
Exactly what's your grand plan??!?! I really wish you would share it with me so that i won't feel so lost and alone. You know my greatest fear in all my living years is loneliness.
i want to be a good and i know how to be good. but the execution of the plan will be very ardous. and i'm not looking forward to it. in fact i dread it. cos i think i will be very sad. i'll be alive, but i won't be happy.
i'm going nowhere, marching on the same spot, trying to free myself of the reins, with no one around to talk to, let alone unbind me from this mess. i've to settle this on my own.