Yes!! We've finally made our pilgrimage across to the northern part of the island last night. Got there after 9pm after navigating through half of amk central to look for the bus interchange... heh...
Anyways there was so much to see!! (and sometimes smell) We saw deers, tigers, lions, elephants, giraffes, tapirs, zebras, otters (my fav!), rhinos, pigs (babirusa being the cutest name i've heard), buffalos, hyenas and even jackals! I don't know whether all of them were noturnal, especially elephants and giraffes which we can see at the zoo, (they probably had 2 shifts, starting with the zoo in the day, and night safari at night). But in the ambience created by the dim lights and cool air due to the thick vegetation, it was really quite special. I would even venture to call it quite ethereal. For poor city kids like me who's only contact with wild animals is through the teletube or books, it was really an eye-opener.
So the animals were fantastic. How about the people? I must say that the NS people are really quite nice, and friendly. So atypical singaporeans they are! Always smiley and helpful. We should have more of such happy people around instead of the grouchy folks i always seem to see on the public tranport. And the tourists!! We had a Chinese ah peh sitting in front of us during the tram ride, and he was giving me a running mandarin commentary in addition to spitting out of the tram. EEKS!! someone pls send him to hygiene school.
Here are some photos:

Pilgrimage complete!
Anyways there was so much to see!! (and sometimes smell) We saw deers, tigers, lions, elephants, giraffes, tapirs, zebras, otters (my fav!), rhinos, pigs (babirusa being the cutest name i've heard), buffalos, hyenas and even jackals! I don't know whether all of them were noturnal, especially elephants and giraffes which we can see at the zoo, (they probably had 2 shifts, starting with the zoo in the day, and night safari at night). But in the ambience created by the dim lights and cool air due to the thick vegetation, it was really quite special. I would even venture to call it quite ethereal. For poor city kids like me who's only contact with wild animals is through the teletube or books, it was really an eye-opener.
So the animals were fantastic. How about the people? I must say that the NS people are really quite nice, and friendly. So atypical singaporeans they are! Always smiley and helpful. We should have more of such happy people around instead of the grouchy folks i always seem to see on the public tranport. And the tourists!! We had a Chinese ah peh sitting in front of us during the tram ride, and he was giving me a running mandarin commentary in addition to spitting out of the tram. EEKS!! someone pls send him to hygiene school.
Here are some photos:
Jo looking blur while waiting in line at the ATM...
Fooling around at the back of the bus (no.138)...