Along Pitts Bay Road (which is where we stay) to town, other than Bacardi, these are the other buildings you'll see. They face the harbour so there are times when you can hear the "horns" of the ships (are they called horns? i'll find out on wiki later.) I half suspect these pink and yellow ones are apartments (highly expensive ones because of their location) but hao-e thinks they are offices. I dun mind working in them i tell you, but don't they just look so sweet and edible? (the white portions look like icing dun they?)
Beside the nice pink and yellow building on Front Street (Pitts Bay Road leads on to Front Street, and its called "Front" Street cos its the street "front"ing the harbour. Get it? i made that up myself haha but dun you think it sounds logical?!) this modenista building looks imposing, and deadly. You see those nice-looking fern-like bushes near the steps? Those have deadly thorns on them. All of them have thorns. "Sha qi hen zhong" ah... And right after this scary building is Bermudiana Road where hao-e's office is situated. His office isn't much to look at from the outside so just imagine a really boring 4 storeyed cream coloured building on the side of a street with boring windows and black lettering spelling out the building's name. Nothing much to look at, so its not going to appear on this page. Heh.