God: When you pray for patience, what do you think God gives? Patience?
Joan shrugs.
God: No, He gives you the opportunity to be patient. When you pray to be brave, does God give you courage or the opportunity to be brave?
Joan shrugs and looks puzzled.
God: It is the opportunity. And when you pray for the family to be closer, God gives you the opportunity to get the family closer.
Joan is shocked as this was exactly what she had asked of God, for her family to grow closer. God disappears and her plate is full of fries.
Joan shrugs.
God: No, He gives you the opportunity to be patient. When you pray to be brave, does God give you courage or the opportunity to be brave?
Joan shrugs and looks puzzled.
God: It is the opportunity. And when you pray for the family to be closer, God gives you the opportunity to get the family closer.
Joan is shocked as this was exactly what she had asked of God, for her family to grow closer. God disappears and her plate is full of fries.
This conversation just keeps playing out in my head and i keep thinking, God has granted me many opportunities to be good, in fact every decision i make, every step i take is an opportunity presented to me, but have i chosen to ignore Him and insisted on doing things my way? shudder to think what He would tell me if i meet Him in person. Would i even recognise him though? Would there be tell-tale signs like how it is portrayed in the show? If he had a point system to grade everyone's performance (i grew up in a meritocratic world), how many points would He give me?