How many afternoons did i spend in front of the tele watching cartoon after cartoon? There were smurfs, sesame street (not quite a cartoon but still kiddy), he-man, and of course transformers. of course then, i wasn't particularly happy watching transformers, he-man was much more entertaining i find, but it was on channel 5, so i watched it. i recall finishing up my sums and whatever homework i had in front of the tele while waiting for mum to (hopefully) not burn dinner. ( in those days, my mother's cooking left a lot to be desired. hee...)
Hao-e and i watched transformers last friday evening at liberty theatre. a proper cinema i might add, for this island's standard at least. he was the fan, and i was just there to have fun. it was pretty entertaining, and i absolutely dig the visual and sound effects, my gosh, the screeching metal-sliding-over-metal sound, so shrill, so grating, yet way COOL. leaving out the storyline, and the deliberate addition of some female hormones in the form of a well-built young lady constantly showing off her boobs and butt, the robots (or autobots as they are called), were really life-like. the decepticons looked scary and menacing, as they should be, while the nice autobots led by optimus prime were darn funny in the scene when sam went home to look for the glasses.
the fan of course realised the deviation from the old series. 1) the autobots aren't so large. in the movie they were like 10-15 times taller than humans, but in fact they are supposed to be only twice as large. 2) bumble bee is supposed to be a volkswagen beetle, not a mustang. 3) optimus prime seems a tad too weak as opposed to the series. as for the one that only went to be entertained, i felt satisfied.
the next movie to catch - harry potter. i bet some of you would have seen it on the sneaks by now. dun spoil it for me, i'm a potter fan.
Inside Liberty Theatre
PS: i'm wearing one of my new t-shirts from uni qlo
PS: i'm wearing one of my new t-shirts from uni qlo