We are movie buffs. period. No question about that. Caught 2 shows while in Iceland - one is the much-anticipated-long-awaited-well-reviewed-box-office-hit-chick-flick SATC the movie. I know EVERY person claiming to have an ounce of estrogen in their bodies have hit the theatres to catch this. (Psst.. if you haven't, it's time to consider whether your soul is truly female or not.)Of course i thought it tough to turn this great TV series into a 2.5 hour movie, i mean, c'mon, it wasn't written for the big screen. so i will only concede i love the bags, clothes, and shoes. i especially like the mexico part and the asian girl acting as Lily learning the 's' word. story-wise, it was everything as expected - no biggies- so the fans remain happy and loyal. truly enjoyed looking at the fashion displayed. 
The second movie we caught was nice- because of Ben Barnes, Prince Caspian (with weird accent). heh. thought it was a kiddie show -it is! - but he helped save the show from being too kiddie and feel-goodie, so i really liked that. of course it doesn't hurt that his smile lit up the screen and his eyes (ooh those puppy-dog eyes).... sigh. ok, enough drooling from the old woman here (yeah, i am more than half-way between my mid-20's and the big 3-0, and i'm not happy about it.)
ONE THING YOU MAY LIKE TO NOTE ABOUT WATCHING MOVIES IN ICELAND THOUGH - WATCH OUT FOR THE TOILET BREAK RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SHOW (MOST LIKELY AT THE CLIMAX OF THE FIGHTING SEQUENCE). Yeah, there's actually a break in the middle of each screening. the first time it happened, i was tickled (cos it was only SATC) but when it happend in Prince Caspian, I swore cos it happened in the middle of the fight. yikes. you would have thought that they would pick a better timing for the break, but no, right smack in the fight it blacked out, and adverts started. i could kill, i tell you.

The second movie we caught was nice- because of Ben Barnes, Prince Caspian (with weird accent). heh. thought it was a kiddie show -it is! - but he helped save the show from being too kiddie and feel-goodie, so i really liked that. of course it doesn't hurt that his smile lit up the screen and his eyes (ooh those puppy-dog eyes).... sigh. ok, enough drooling from the old woman here (yeah, i am more than half-way between my mid-20's and the big 3-0, and i'm not happy about it.)
