Issued: 6 am Fri, Jul 11, 2008
Note: Forecast track may be liable to large error - please monitor for further updates
HURRICANE BERTHA is a potential threat to Bermuda.

Current Position: 28.0N 61.7W approx. 306 nm SSE of Bermuda
Recent Movement: NW or 315 degrees at 6 kt
Central Pressure: 980 mb / 28.93 in
Max Sustained Winds: 75kt gusts 90kt
Closest point of approach to Bermuda within 72 hrs:
Date: 1 am Sun, Jul 13, 2008
Distance: 153 nm to the ESE
Issued: 6 am Fri, Jul 11, 2008
Note: Forecast track may be liable to large error - please monitor for further updates
HURRICANE BERTHA is a potential threat to Bermuda.

Current Position: 28.0N 61.7W approx. 306 nm SSE of Bermuda
Recent Movement: NW or 315 degrees at 6 kt
Central Pressure: 980 mb / 28.93 in
Max Sustained Winds: 75kt gusts 90kt
Closest point of approach to Bermuda within 72 hrs:
Date: 1 am Sun, Jul 13, 2008
Distance: 153 nm to the ESE