It seems that i've caught the island fever - the feeling of restlessness you get from being "cooped-up" for too long on too small an island, segregated from civilisation and the harsh world. so, even though i'd vowed to be frugal, promised to spend wisely and i said my farewells to (i) Chopard Happy; (ii) Chopard Ice Cubes; and (iii) Omega Constellation..... i couldn't stop this, what you would call restlessness, an itch in the pants really. the brain just keeps shouting "GET OUT!". So after much punching of calculators, we are going to take a very short trip to Boston - Delta was a seat sale i swear! just a weekend, barely 3 days, for us to eat, drink and sleep Boston. we're going at the end of this month! yippee! brain has calmed down somewhat and eased up with constant shouting cos brain is now happily digesting the information on Boston - what to do, where to go, what to eat, what to see, how to go, blah blah blah!!! yeah, brain and body is happy...