Last weekend, we went to do a bout of shopping. Remember i'd blogged about joining the archdiocese choir for a christmas concert - raising funds for the renovation of the cathedral hall? well, the dress code was announced - white blouse and black ankle-length skirt. now where in the world was i going to find a black, ankle-length skirt? i was telling hao-e that i have to go where the aunties shop cos there's no way in hell that anyone under the age of 45 who will step out of the house in ankle-length skirt, what's more a black one!? so off we went to check out the 2 largest stores in town. haha. as expected, it ain't the fashion to sport long black skirts lor. found one in Gibbons but it was so expensive (USD200) that i told Hao-e i would pretend to fall ill and not perform with the choir if this was the only skirt available. =p
so when we were nearly giving up the search, God must have heard my prayer. we found one at Coopers for USD70 - it's satin and quite formal. i might be able to wear it for dinner elsewhere, so i'm kinda happy with it. "yellow sky doesn't disappoint the bitter hearted person" (think fortune cookie linguistics) so all's well again. of course i had to get the freakingly bright pink t-shirt from DKNY together with the skirt. how could i resist right? [retailer alert: if you want me to panic buy or impulse buy, remember to make everything in bright pink.] the sun is shining again. =)
then, we trooped to Sail On cos i had this huge urge to get a pair of crocs - don't ask me why, i just wanted one, and of course my trusty birks are getting rusty (the buckle of the slipper that is, the rest aint made of metal, duh!) and the cork soles were getting worn out, although it's still a very freakingly beautiful bright pink. (which i heart very much) remember getting those in Frankfurt some years ago for 35euros. damn lasting lor, and so unbelievably comfortable. so worth the effort lugging not 1, not 2 but 3 pairs (!) back in my luggage. i bet the crocs won't last as long as those birks. but crocs are the new birks, just like pink is the new black. you know what i mean. so now i have spanking new slippers (capri in chocolate/cotto) - it cost USD55 ok. like USD15 more expensive than buying it from US, but it has light pink soles, which i heart. so i bit the bullet and swiped my card. (=.=) psyching myself for the day when the card statements arrive this month.
and so, i'm broke now. end of story.
so when we were nearly giving up the search, God must have heard my prayer. we found one at Coopers for USD70 - it's satin and quite formal. i might be able to wear it for dinner elsewhere, so i'm kinda happy with it. "yellow sky doesn't disappoint the bitter hearted person" (think fortune cookie linguistics) so all's well again. of course i had to get the freakingly bright pink t-shirt from DKNY together with the skirt. how could i resist right? [retailer alert: if you want me to panic buy or impulse buy, remember to make everything in bright pink.] the sun is shining again. =)

and so, i'm broke now. end of story.