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Had lunch with HL (who reads my blog!) at picked onion today. couldn't find my miso glazed cod on the menu - bah! - so went for the tuna in blue cheese salad. still as yummy as i'd remembered it.

often noticed that i have non-conventional taste in food:-
  • chou tofu - i eat them whenever i can get my hands on them. there are only 2 places selling them in singapore. the best we've had was along Rao He night market in taipei. coming in 2nd place is a stall on Ladies St in hong kong.
  • natoo - the gooey mess is wonderful! i love it with fresh tuna slices (uncooked), a sprinkling of spring onions and a dribble of light soy sauce. cold and smooth...ooh i can just imagine my ex-colleagues gawking as i stuff my face with it at sushi tei. i believe i was the only person that kept ordering it at changi airport t2 outlet.
  • radish paste - not the teochew dessert, which i also crave for, i'm talking about the gooey white mess that ten ten tei adds to their salmon oyako done. my God!
  • ladies fingers and brinjals - love them in anything, especially in assam fish head curry. i can even eat them blanched and dipped in sambal chilli.
  • penang laksa - actually, anything with assam or vinegar in it. i'm a true sourpuss. i can wallop 5 bowls of penang laksa including the soup if no one stops me.... i'm salivating as i type.
  • fresh oysters - with a touch of lemon juice and tabasco, absolutely refreshing! the best oysters i've had was actually fried in an omelette in an oyster farrm in xiamen, the oysters were so fresh and the proportion of oysters to eggs was incredible... every bite was bursting with oyster flavour!
  • semi-cooked clams a.k.a. "hum" - they're literally a bloody mess but they're so sweet i.e. "xian tian". don't like them as much fully cooked in laksa though. they lose that tenderness when cooked well. pity about the hepatitis thingamie though.
  • chinchalok - teeny tiny shrimp in a sour shallot mixture. perfect with bbq-ed stingray and a huge glass of sugarcane juice.
  • blue cheese - this is right up there on the list of weird things i love. it's so creamy and pungent at the same time, unbelievable. goes well with wine.
  • durians - added for hao-e's sake because he along with about halfof the world absolutely detest them, but I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THEM! live with it. you're the one missing out! =P
  • raw beef - marinated in korean style. my korean friends tell me it's no biggie (they eat raw octopus and crabs anyway!), but i get a kick out of watching the looks of horror shot at me whenever i mention this.
  • half cooked eggs - no one bats an eyelid back home, but just watch the rest cringe. they always ask me about bird flu and i shoot them a blank stare. figured we have so much immunity built up over the years, bird flu is nadah!

Oh, in less than 25 hours, we'll be embarking on our short weekend getaway to Lisbon. will post when i return. have a great weekend!


Anonymous said…
Hey girlie, miss you too. Kay and Nic updated me about you when I went back home recently.

Dad is ok. Had a stent inserted through a vein in his arm and recovered well and quickly.

I'm ok too. Thank you for asking. Not sure how long more I'll be here but lately, I've been feeling like it's enough. There are too many crazy people within a stone's throw distance for my comfort. See how lor.

How about you? When will you get your results back or do you have them already? Enjoy your well-deserved break. :) I am content to live vicariously through you. ;P

- Jo
Joop said…
Jo - no results yet till July... the wait is the worst part. wonder why it takes so long to mark 20 MCQs? glad to hear dad is alright. dont stay in tokyo if it gets too tough ok? i want to see my friend in one piece. take care!

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