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Is obesity a disease? As i looked at a recent photo of myself on fb, i wondered aloud,

"How did i let myself do this?"

It was an extremely unflattering picture, and i, despite all the execuses i could conjured up, had to admit that me, myself and i have allowed myself to balloon to this blobby state of fatness. I could go on telling myself that i'm still under 60kg, bearing in mind that the extra weight (almost 10kgs worth) was piled on within a space of 27 months, meaning i've been putting on an average of 200g per month! i could go on kidding myself that they will all burn off in my next gym visit, yah right, good luck with that, i hear you say. i could go on blocking off the voices in my head that keep nagging at me to put down that darn scoop of ice-cream as i binge in front of the TV. in truth, weight is an issue i've always grappled with. having had an ultra-active kiddy life of rushing to the next ballet lesson or dance practice, or the next piano or something or other, i suddenly found myself living a rather sedentary life 10 years back when i entered JC. i picked up of all things, photography, which admittedly is a good hobby to have but didn't provide a good avenue to burn off the pratas and char kway teow. no more dance practices to go to, finished grade 8 piano exam so those stopped too. it was difficult keeping the pounds off while maintaining the usual amount of food intake. and i'm a foodie. i come from a family who lurves good food. i have a sister who just keeps bringing me to these fancy schmanzy places where the food is tantalisingly good. i have mother who tempts me not with her cooking, but the durians and chwee kueys and all the rest of the kuey family.... argh, i have a tummy trained to want food every few hours. and it just won't stop howling and growling until some good food is dumped into it.

it just used to be easier to burn off, those calories.

since moving to bermuda, i've found myself living an even more sedentary life. i don't have to walk much to anywhere, there are no malls to get lost in, i cannot find a ballet class to go to, there isn't really a public pool to swim in and i'm not about to swim in the sea. what's more the ben and jerry's are like super affordable lor. how to resist? what can i do to burn these darn fats off? should i pick up a new hobby? i was thinking of picking up squash - it's fast, it's draining and it's indoors, which means i can stay away from the sun/rain, and can do it all seasons. should i? should i just dump some cash for an instructor, and try to sweat it out?

i can't simply just get fatter. my friends and family won't recognise me.

any good ideas would be appreciated. just don't ask me to get on the treadmill. i'll get bored and then all's lost again.


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