Dear Urchin, 

As promised, these are a few of my newfound properties. The first is this mismatched pair of camper twins, fraternal as you can tell, perfect for the strolls to and from car park and office. this is my second pair of camper "twns" (that's what's sewn inside my shoes, some PR/marketing firm must have earned millions from this utterly brilliant idea of removing the "i" from "twins".... =P) and 3rd pair of camper shoes. absolutely dig the simple designs, and the soft soft soft leather and they just last and last. my pair of red "mcdonald" rain shoes and black "edward scissorhands" have been with me since 2002?! other than the soles wearing out from the amount of walking i've done for the last 7 years, the shoes are practically intact. I've decided to christen this 3rd pair my "rubber band" shoes.
There's no point controlling yourself at Gilroy.
That said, i really did go a little crazy at the Coach outlet, but they are not all for myself - these 3 are gifts for mum jo, steph and mum-in-law. [steph, if you're reading this, yours is the red bag. let me know if you like the brown ones better. i'm considering sending you the bag for christmas cos i obviously won't be able to see you in january. still got space in your luggage?]
I paid for the silver and brown bags first, realised how freaking cheap everything was at the till (cos they took a further 30-40% off at the cashier!!) and quickly scoured for the 3rd hot pink bag. (the prices were low enough for me to buy 6 bags lor, and i'm not even a coach fan! Next post, i'll take some pictures of the clothes etc.. stay tuned.