Anyway, let the countdowns begin! (yes, plural!)
Christmas in 54 days!
we just turned back the clocks last night for daylight saving. officially 12 hours behind singapore and hong kong now. halloween has just past (we gave out pringles to the kids) and christmas is almost here! must start to plan the parties pretty soon!
New Year is in 60 days!
omg, where has this year gone?? i should probably look through my resolutions for 2009, but i have a huge hunch i could probably use the same list for 2010! nothing done so far...
Heading home in 75 days
(30 days in November, 31 days in December, and 14 days in January).
This time, instead of stopping over in FRA (which can only be described at best as utilitarian and functional, we will be taking Cathay Pacific and stopping over in HKG (yeehar!). Would have taken SQ and invested in patriotism had they not raised the price (the nerve they have given the current climate, those silly fools!). CX was just over a $1000 return from JFK while SQ was charging a whopping $1600. i think i'd rather spend the $600 on a short stay in Hong Kong eating at Maxim's. sounds way better than spending it on airline food, and i seriously doubt that SQ's food is better than CX's. not to mention, we get the worst treatment as singaporeans on SQ flights from the stewardesses... yikes.