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Back to Work

5:00am - started tossing and turning in bed.  hao-e and i woke up at this ungodly hour and couldn't fall back to sleep.
6:00am - hao-e starts making irritating sounds on his blackberry
6:40am - alarm rings and i spring up to silence it.  wth, i've been up for almost 2 hours anyway.
7:40am - still ironing the frizz out of my hair.
8:05am - started the car and realised we're 5 mins later than usual.
8:20am - parked in an empty carpark. thought: is it a public holiday today? walked to the supermarket for some yogurt.  tried to paid for said yogurt except they didn't sell those singly.  bah.  walked back to fridge aisle to get another brand that did sell singly. paid for said yogurt.
8:30am - started tackling the bills.  apparently we didn't pay our cable bill last month.  strange.  double-checked account.  ah well, maybe i didn't.  shucks. paid said bill. started to pay utilities bill.  did a double-take.  checked account. i did pay it before leaving for singapore.  deleted said transaction.
9:00am - first coffee of the day.  anticipating a necessary 2nd coffee at about noon.
12:05pm - left to get soup from miles.
12:45pm - had said 2nd cup of coffee.
2:00pm - typing this blog entry and wondering when this day is going to end.... i'm so sleepy


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