This week has passed excruciatingly slow.
Maybe it's the unpredictable weather.
Maybe it's the spate of unfortunate events that have happened in the last 2 weeks.
Maybe i'm just tired out after all the excitement and anguish.
Whatever it is, let it not get to me.
Last Friday, I did something quite nasty. There's this girl, let's call her X, who has been with her boyfriend, Y for 3 years. X's 28 years old this year, so is Y, except Y still looks underaged because of his height and baby-face. When i first met them over dinner, i had absolutely no idea that they were a couple. my jaw dropped when someone finally enlightened me on their relationship status. it is just strange to me that a young, unmarried couple could act so un-couply, but i kept my big mouth shut and decided to observe a bit more. you see, that's what age does to you - you mellow and learn when to shut up.
yet, after observing them for a while, i decided i should speak up. X is a very nice girl, down-to-earth, likeable and definitely someone who can meet any mum-in-law from hell. Y not only looks underaged, he behaves like a college kid too. so i pulled X aside last Friday and asked her what their long-term plans were. They had none.
So i probed, 'do you think he's the right one?'
She replied, 'he's nice and funny', which i deemed to be evasive.
I continued 'I don't see the spark between you two, i couldn't even tell you are a couple.' To which she said, 'some guys are stable, and they make great husbands and fathers'.
Huh?? Well, if there's no spark before marriage, there will certainly be even less after. I was mentally rolling my eyes. I can't imagine her wasting another 2-3 years waiting around to find out that he's not popping the question, or he's not the right one after all.
At that point, I decided to drop the bomb 'Most people know quite instantly whether there's a future with the guy/girl they are dating. If you're 3 years into a relationship and still don't know whether that person is 'THE ONE', then he probably is not.'
She hasn't talked to me since. I might have lost a friend, but all I wanted was for her to be happy.
Maybe it's the unpredictable weather.
Maybe it's the spate of unfortunate events that have happened in the last 2 weeks.
Maybe i'm just tired out after all the excitement and anguish.
Whatever it is, let it not get to me.
Last Friday, I did something quite nasty. There's this girl, let's call her X, who has been with her boyfriend, Y for 3 years. X's 28 years old this year, so is Y, except Y still looks underaged because of his height and baby-face. When i first met them over dinner, i had absolutely no idea that they were a couple. my jaw dropped when someone finally enlightened me on their relationship status. it is just strange to me that a young, unmarried couple could act so un-couply, but i kept my big mouth shut and decided to observe a bit more. you see, that's what age does to you - you mellow and learn when to shut up.
yet, after observing them for a while, i decided i should speak up. X is a very nice girl, down-to-earth, likeable and definitely someone who can meet any mum-in-law from hell. Y not only looks underaged, he behaves like a college kid too. so i pulled X aside last Friday and asked her what their long-term plans were. They had none.
'So have you guys talked about marriage?'
'No.' So i probed, 'do you think he's the right one?'
She replied, 'he's nice and funny', which i deemed to be evasive.
I continued 'I don't see the spark between you two, i couldn't even tell you are a couple.' To which she said, 'some guys are stable, and they make great husbands and fathers'.
Huh?? Well, if there's no spark before marriage, there will certainly be even less after. I was mentally rolling my eyes. I can't imagine her wasting another 2-3 years waiting around to find out that he's not popping the question, or he's not the right one after all.
At that point, I decided to drop the bomb 'Most people know quite instantly whether there's a future with the guy/girl they are dating. If you're 3 years into a relationship and still don't know whether that person is 'THE ONE', then he probably is not.'
She hasn't talked to me since. I might have lost a friend, but all I wanted was for her to be happy.