Years ago, when I first started work after graduating from university, I was told by a co-worker, a few years senior that she was looking for a career, not just a plain old job. At that time i was young, impressionable, and totally floored by what sounded so mature from someone not much older than myself. A career! Yes! A single word that expresses conviction, commitment and passion. So powerful! So jaw-droppingly awesome!
I've used this exact expression in subsequent years during job interviews and I suspect it impressed many of my interviewers as well. It has become one of the interview techniques I use to land a job. Do I mean it? I doubt it, definitely not at the interview. I might develop a feel for the job after a few weeks, which will determine whether I will stay on, but I certainly cannot tell you for sure that this job will be my career!
I've been reminded that this is the 10th year I've been in official employment/unemployment, post graduation. I went from a proper job, to unemployment for a few months, to temping for a while, to a proper job again until today. I know now that I work because it puts bread on the table, it pays for my next holiday, it covers my mortgage payments and everything else. I go to work because I am an honest worker and I am duly paid for what I do. Do I love my job? Not really. Is it my career? Quite possibly, if I want it to be. It is possible to have a career without loving your job, I think. Those are two separate issues.
Considering that I landed my current job through some odd circumstances 5 years ago, I should really count my blessings and thank God for all the perks that come with it. It has been smooth-sailing so far, so please let it continue so that I can cruise along and enjoy the ride for a while more.