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Project 2017

I had decided in the middle of 2016, unilaterally at first then sought consensus after with my lifelong partner, that the big project of 2017 was to add one person to our family.

This prompted our move to the current apartment which has an additional bedroom and a larger balcony area and plenty of running-around space downstairs.

For years I had resisted the thought, reasons aplenty... we were not ready to give up our freedom, we were too selfish and immature, we have no patience, we have no space, etc etc etc.  For years we'd successfully defended our decision deflecting all the nosy questions about why we were taking so long, why not try to have our own kids, blah blah blah.

For reasons unbeknownst to me, i changed my mind last year.

I am lucky that my close pals started having kids late.  For years we were carefree together, we couldn't care less. I am eternally grateful for that.

Children didn't mean much to me.  I'm not naturally maternal, it is not in my DNA.  Kids bawl at the sight of this Auntie. I just wish they would stop crying and start communicating like adults.

For some reason, I changed my mind. Perhaps it was God, maybe it was the adorable kids that I've seen recently, I can't say for sure. Anyway, I had changed my mind and brought forward project 2021 to 2017.

To prepare for said project, we started the paperwork promptly on Jan 1, 2017 and managed to get it through the authorities by early March.  From then on, it's just a waiting game.

So far, we have seen a couple of pictures and visited one kiddo in person.  We are still praying for the right one. Please pray with us as we eagerly await news of our new family member.

Baby Eva [yes! we have a name!], we hope to see you real soon.
Image result for eva name popularity


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