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Showing posts from November, 2008


不以物喜,不以己悲 是中国的传统儒家思想,讲究无为心态。是一种思想境界,是古代修身的要求。 出自范仲淹的《 岳阳楼记 》-- 不以物喜,不以己悲,居庙堂之高,则忧其民;处江湖之远,则忧其君。 是进亦忧,退亦忧;然则何时而乐耶?其必曰:“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐矣!”…… 这句话的外在意思是不因为物(财物、外物)的丰富、富有而骄傲和狂喜;也不因为个人的失意潦倒而悲伤。其涵义是 指无论面对失败还是成功,都要保持一种恒定淡然的心态,不因一时的成功和失败而妄自菲薄,无论何时都保持一种豁达淡然的心态。

Cantonese Birthday Song Lyrics

"恭祝你福壽與天齊 慶賀你生辰快樂 年年都有今日 歲歲都有今朝 恭喜你 恭喜你" Hah, the first time i heard it was probably during one of those slapstick stephen chow movies we grew up with. those were darn mouh lei tao i.e. no head no tail kind, but they definitely whetted my appetite for all these slapstick movies that i seem to enjoy nowadays. i blame it all on stephen chow for my lack of taste in movies. i really do. CJ7 did nothing to save his soul. in fact it sent him further deeper in hell, for attempting to do a movie that is not his traditional slapstick. it's just not right for him to be doing serious movies. not right. stephen chow = ultimate slapstick. please don't be someone you're not.

Postnuptial Depression: What Happens the Day After

Postnuptial depression may not be a clinical diagnosis, but it has entered the lexicon of marriage in the past few years, and newly hitched couples will tell you it's real. The blues typically hit early in married life, psychiatrists say, as newlyweds begin recognizing that expectations of how their partner or relationship will change postwedding are unrealistic. Worse, once the Big Day has come and gone, couples are forced to step out of their much-cherished and often long-lived "bride and groom" spotlight and just get on with real life. .... The so-called honeymoon period, say psychologists, really isn't. But so many couples buy into the myth that when they start arguing about sex, money or time — issues that all married couples battle over — it can seem catastrophic. Gannon finds herself correcting patients all the time. "Where did you get the idea that you weren't supposed to fight?" she says. "You are. It's normal." It's also nor...

Boston - of food and more food

Grilled Swordfish plus butternut squash and clam chowder Fresh Oysters Pei Dahn Sau Yoke Zhok Lian Rong Bao Penang Laksa, Cuttlefish Kangkong and Nasi Lemak Cold Stone Creamery - ICE CREAM!!!!


Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia King-to Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( 京都 念 慈 菴 川 貝 枇杷 膏 ) or more commonly, Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa or simply Pei Pa Koa is a Traditional Chinese natural herbal remedy used for the relief of sore throat , coughs, hoarseness, and loss of voice. It is a throat demulcent and expectorant . Today, it is manufactured and sold by Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory Limited, a Hong Kong corporation. It is available worldwide. "King-to" means "capital", referring to Beijing , and "Nin Jiom" means "in memory of my mother". "Pei Pa Koa" means " Loquat syrup". The formula for Pei Pa Koa was originally created by Doctor Ip Tin-See, a physician for the Qing Dynasty [1] . Yang Xiao-Lian, a provincial commander, asked Doctor Ip to treat his mother's persistent cough. They were so impressed that they created a factory to mass-produce it. Later, the Yang family sold the business to Tse Sui-Bong, ...

Quantum of Solace - i think i need solace

Watched the new bond movie last Saturday. i cannot profess that i enjoyed it much, even daniel craig's brooding charisma couldn't save it for me. it was action-packed of course, as expected of a typical bond movie, but really, where was the story? it started off with a hi-speed car-chase scene with his black aston martin (what else?). lots of near-crashes... for what? don't know . bond had a man in his boot. who's that? don't know . scene jumps to siena in italy where the town was holding a horse race. apparently even "m" didn't know anything about "the group". so why catch the guy? don't know . no explanation. then bond goes on a hunt for Dominic Greene in haiti (french man of course) and meets the half russian girl Camille (the bond girl). high-speed boat chase ensues, of course. then bond follows him to Austria to an opera. bond manages to take some pics of those involved. that was a pretty cool scene. bond indirectly kills a b...
it's funny how you learn things about yourself - your likes and dislikes - every single day. here's a list of dislikes: eager beavers people who fake an accent people who talk more than they do people who claim credit when they've done nothing (oh! old debts) back-stabbers gossipers (is there such a word?) that stir up trouble like there ain't enough of that already?! inconsiderate people .... more to come, i just know it is it too much to ask to have decent people around? there's a chinese saying, that even on the same hand the fingers are of different lengths. but is it really impossible to have everyone cross a certain threshold of decency and not stick out like a sore thumb? i've often wondered why some 40 year olds act the way they do - as if they hate the whole world. i think i'm in danger of being that sort of 40 year old as the list gets longer, and i meet more obnoxious people. argh. (*_*)

once upon a time, there was a girl who loved everything pink.

Last weekend, we went to do a bout of shopping. Remember i'd blogged about joining the archdiocese choir for a christmas concert - raising funds for the renovation of the cathedral hall? well, the dress code was announced - white blouse and black ankle-length skirt. now where in the world was i going to find a black, ankle-length skirt? i was telling hao-e that i have to go where the aunties shop cos there's no way in hell that anyone under the age of 45 who will step out of the house in ankle-length skirt, what's more a black one!? so off we went to check out the 2 largest stores in town. haha. as expected, it ain't the fashion to sport long black skirts lor. found one in Gibbons but it was so expensive (USD200) that i told Hao-e i would pretend to fall ill and not perform with the choir if this was the only skirt available. =p so when we were nearly giving up the search, God must have heard my prayer. we found one at Coopers for USD70 - it's satin and quite formal...

If I were a boy

I am shamelessly plugging this song for Beyonce. Go listen to "If I were a boy". It's a powerful powerful song about the immaturity of the male species. I have it on my other blog too if you cannot find it on youtube.

Rain overload

not the real kind but the hottie from korea. i think hao-e must be pretty pissed by now. i've been playing his newest album all week, rewatching his newest videos over and over on youtube....\(^.^)/ argh.. how can someone SO YOUNG achieve so much? =_= and may i remind you, he's exactly one year younger than i am! (we share the same birthday!!) that makes him like, super young lor!!? double argh!!! =_= anyhoo, his newest album is pretty good - he's gone for the old skool nerdy look that is so hot nowadays. having his chiselled frame under an oh-so-tight shirt, vest, and jacket just makes him look even hotter!!! melt. as usual, he excels with those dancey tracks. he's afterall more of a dancer than a singer. as far as my obsession goes, i think it's gonna be more rain for me till i'm totally sick of the album looping on the ipod and the pool of saliva is dry on the floor. give me 2 weeks for the mania to pass. i promise to act like a happily married 27 year old. c...

This is hilarious

Finally, a Thin President By COLSON WHITEHEAD Published: November 5, 2008 OVER the coming days and weeks, there will be many “I never thought I’d see the day” pieces, but none of them will be more overflowing with “I never thought I’d see the day”-ness than this one. I’m black, you see, and I haven’t gained a pound since college. I skip breakfast most days, have maybe half a sandwich for lunch, and sometimes I forget to eat dinner. Just slips my mind. Yesterday morning, I woke up to a new world. America had elected a Skinny Black Guy president. I never thought I’d see the day. What were the chances that someone who looked like me would come to lead the most powerful nation on earth? Slim. Skinny Black Guys of my parents’ generation pinned their hopes on Sammy Davis Jr. His was a big-tent candidacy, rallying Skinny Black Guys, the Rat Pack and the Jewish vote in one crooning, light-footed package. He won South Carolina, but he never gathered momentum. In the end, the Candy Man couldn’t....


If you haven't noticed, this is my current favourite taiwanese singer - he's not good-looking (he's not fugly either) but boy, do i lurve his voice. his name: 蕭敬騰. (doesn't his name sound just like some of those wuxia heroes??) this song comes from his debut album released in june 2008. talent = 蕭敬騰. 作詞:陳鎮川 作曲:蕭敬騰 專輯:同名專輯 城市里 人影交替 有多少 機會交集 不期然相遇 意外的美麗 心動的默契 Oh 愛 是變得很想依賴 愛 是想要陪你醒來 Oh 愛 想向你在未來 一輩子存在 眼眶里 季節交替 記憶里 人來人去 我們都年輕 別害怕愛情 讓真心證明 是關於期待 那一句對白 讓我懂了愛 感覺終究無可替代 Oh 愛 是變得很想依賴 愛 是想要陪你醒來 Oh 愛 想向你在未來 一輩子存在 是想要陪你醒來 Oh 愛 想向你在未來 想做你 一輩子的愛

Back from Boston

Hi everyone! We're back from Boston. Surprisingly, it wasn't as cold as expected. And there were many other surprises! I think we must have stuffed our faces every 3-4 hours! haha! that's how much we ate over there. DEPRIVED lah, can't help it. Here's a brief list of the restaurants we went to:- Penang - assam laksa, nasi lemak and cuttlefish kang kong China Pearl - Dim Sum (so-so only...) Union Oyster House - fresh Oysters, clam chowder and grilled swordfish! Ginza - sushi what else Hei La Moon - more Dim Sum (this one is yummy!) Burger King - wah... it's been so long since my last whopper junior, i can cry Taiwan Cafe - oh-ah mee suah, smelly toufu and san bei chicken!! Bliss. Post photos tomorrow.


Today's newspapers sold like hot cakes! or more like a new batch of krispy kremes fresh from the oven. On the front pages of almost every paper, every tabloid is the new first family of the (al)mighty USA. Barack Obama became the first black american president in history. wow. never thought i'd see the day - or rather i'd never thought i'd witness it so early on in my life. imho, there was only one main factor - Bush stank, the economy stank, hence the Republicans are being punished. i guess any Democrat will win the election, not necessarily a black american democrat. but anyway, i'm happy about the results. i didn't stay up like half the island did. but i'm pretty happy he won. he's young, i'd expect him to be less wily, more passionate and gungho about making the necessary changes. May God Bless him with wisdom and courage!